Tuesday, April 26, 2011

10 Questions to ask an atheist

1 - If the universe is self existent and eternal why is there entropy? (heat death) and if it’s not self existent and eternal but self-created what was there before its own existence, where did the matter come from which it exploded? Can something create itself?

2 - If all operating systems i.e human body (DNA information drives operation, scientific fact) computer programs, financial and banking systems, CNC lathe machines etc, have to have information preloaded in order to work. How did life start operating with no preloaded information?

3 - How is it more logical to say physical matter gave rise to life as opposed to saying life gave rise to physical matter? By the way the Miller Experiment produced left and right hand amino acids which is poisonous to life and not beneficial for life. He did not use oxygen in his chamber. Life cannot start with oxygen and it cannot survive without it, if there was no oxygen at time of life starting then we had no ozone layer! So therefore life cannot start with OR without oxygen, looks like we need God!

4 - What is energy and where did it come from? (Not what does energy do, not what is its mathematical equivalent) If you says it is the ability to do work then it must have ‘being’ but we know that it does not exist in itself rather you have to concede that energy is simply the power or force exerted by some kind of being.

5 - How does physical matter (hydrogen, oxygen, carbon of which the universe is made) enable human physical matter to have cognitive ability?

6 - If the Universe is finite then how do we have infinite numbers in Mathematics?

7 - How is reason and logic possible if the foundations for true and false are based on human thinking which is flawed and mutable?

8 - How do you account for the judgement of an evil action (this presupposes that you do) if there is no predetermined reference point from which to judge? And if you say “we humans determine that point” then who gets to decide that and why wasn’t I asked what I think it should be?

9 - How do you explain reproduction ability in all life forms if all life forms came from one cell? I.e how did that cell once it supposedly had enough cells after evolving know that in order to stay alive through natural selection that it would have to survive through reproduction and how did it somehow manage to make male and female from one organism? In other words how did the split come about between male and female?

10 - How do you explain the irreducibly complex Bacterium flagellum which has 40 moving parts which are all essential to its existence. Those 40 moving parts have a blueprint (DNA) that tells it what to do and those working parts have to ALL be there in order for the cell to operate. Where did they all come from to make that first cell? (this is called irreducible complexity)

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